

Created by Ryan Browne

GOD HATES ASTRONAUTS IS BACK? GOD HATES ASTRONAUTS IS BACK! Ryan Browne's Harvey Award Losing absurdist humor series is back in an all new 80 page hardcover graphic novel! After a successful Kickstarter and 10 monthly issues published by Image Comics, GOD HATES ASTRONAUTS has gone back to its roots--those roots being Kickstartery roots! Funded in 3 days! GHA is a pop-culture, superhero, parody comic book perfect for fans of Rick and Morty, The Venture Brothers, Die Hard--AND it's exactly the comic book you've been looking for! So many fun jokes! ALL THE FUN JOKES!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 5 years ago – Tue, Nov 06, 2018 at 09:39:30 PM

Hey gang! Sorry for the radio silence recently--been working to make all y'alls special and sketched in editions. So! Everything has shipped out--which is exciting--so that means, if you haven't gotten a package, let me know! I'm sure things were missed or lost or destroyed by your local postal professional and I wanna make sure everyone is happy. EVERYONE!

So, yeah! You should've at least got tracking info, so check that if you haven't gotten your book n' stuff. If it's mysteriously not there just let me know and I'll fire you a replacement asap. 

Also! Those 3-D Cowboy's are still in production. ManOrMonster Studios is hard at work casting and sanding and whatever else goes into making 100 little dudes. Sorry for the delay on those and I hope it'll be worth the wait. I've been told a mid-November completion date on those is likely so hopefully you'll all have cowboys by the end of the month.

ALSO ALSO! I was shorted some shirts by the printer so a few packages were sent out with a note about the shirt coming later. I should have those replacement shirts out by the end of the week. 

SO! Thanks to all of you for your awesome support and patience through all of this. You guys made this book happen and I hope you are as pleased with the results as I am. It's such a weird and dense book! YES!

AND! Simon loves his freeze dried minnows. You guys made a cat very happy!

That's it for now! Please enjoy some more destroyed book pictures. Also! Sleeping with books sucks! They are so pointy!

Thunder Dome Edition! Destroyed in so many ways!
Thunder Dome Edition! Destroyed in so many ways!
Mistress Editions spent the night in bed with me!
Mistress Editions spent the night in bed with me!
And I made them breakfast!
And I made them breakfast!
Wrapped in plastic editions! Complete with blonde hair!
Wrapped in plastic editions! Complete with blonde hair!
Wrapped in plastic and floated in the Chicago river while it was raining!
Wrapped in plastic and floated in the Chicago river while it was raining!

Shipping in full effect!
over 5 years ago – Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 09:43:50 PM

Hey all! Quick update about books! 

Shipping is a little over half finished and a lot of you guys have already gotten your books--which is awesome! Hope you are digging them! The rest will keep rolling out this week and I'm drawing in books and making special editions as fast as I can. Two other things:

1. The USPS sometimes hates my packages and will destroy the hell out of them. If you get a book that is damaged please message me and I will send you a replacement. No problem at all. Want y'all to be happy. 

2. Just a reminder that your 3-D Cowboy resin toy will be shipping separately due to a delay in production. So if y'alls got a toy, you will get your book first and then the toy later. Two mail days!

Ok! That's it from me. Drop me a line on twitter or instagram to let me know what you think of the book. SWEET!


Book release party on Friday in Chicago! Shipping starts full blast on Monday!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Sep 06, 2018 at 10:51:29 PM

Hey guys! Everything is all done and set to ship (except the resin toys (more on that in a second))! Check it out! 

 The fine folks at Harebrained Design are going to do all the fulfillment/shippin' stuff. They're the best! AND if you are in the Chicago area, we are having a little release party at Challengers Comics + Conversation this Friday! Hope to see some of your there!

And, in a slight delay, the 3-D Cowboy resin toys wont be done for a week or two. It's been too hot in ManOrMonster Studios non-AC resin-castin' garage to get the resin to cure. SO! I'll send your books first and then those cowboys in a second package to everyone who ordered them. Two packages? So fun for you!

AND AND! I've been destroying books for you Special Edition folks! Blowin' shit up and throwin' things out the window is so fun! THAT'S IT FOR NOW! Hope to see you Friday!


Knock-off green Superman capes to help the books fly!
Knock-off green Superman capes to help the books fly!
Made some books into rockets to fly them to the moon!
Made some books into rockets to fly them to the moon!

over 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 01:28:53 AM

FINALLY! After two weeks of unexplained shipping delays, the 3000 copies of 3-D Cowboy's 2-D Spectacular have arrived in Chicago! HELL YEAH! Time to start shipping this sucker to you! VERY EXCITING! 

If you haven't filled out your survey, please do so ASAP. If you can't find it, go to this link here, put in the email address you use for Kickstarter and fill out the survey. Do it now! THUMBS UP!

AND I've sent you a handful of PDFs through backerkit. The PDF of the book (hope you like it!), and a few of the stretch goals. I still have two more to do, but this'll get yah started. WHAT A GREAT VALUE!

Please keep all of this to yourselves. Thanks to all you amazing people for helping to make this book happen! Shipping happens full force next week and I'll be workin' hard to sketch in over 400 (!) copies of the book! FUNNNNN!!!!!

Be sure to follow me on twitter and instagram (@RyanBrowneArt) for special edition destruction photos AND photos of Simon enjoying his horrible minnows! You guys are the best and I love you all!!!!!!!!!



100 boxes with 30 books per box! 1.5 tons of books!
100 boxes with 30 books per box! 1.5 tons of books!

Surveys are out from BackerKit! Make sure to fill it out to get your good stuffs!
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Aug 07, 2018 at 01:37:02 PM

Hey you wonderful people! I sent out the Backerkit surveys last week so make sure you check your email and fill them out. As of right now, 80% of the surveys have been filled out--which is awesome! Just need the final 20% and then I can make my print order for the shirts.


$176 have been added on to buy my weird cat Simon his freeze dried minnow snacks! That's a crazy amount of minnows! Might have to order a couple of crates directly from the distributor. How long do horrible mummified minnows stay good? 

You guys are the best! Books coming soon! Fill out your surveys now! YES!
